1·During the procedure of finding base images using PCA and ICA, the number of source images is equal to base images.
2·In essence, this approach provides a framework for finding and fixing code problems throughout the code base.
3·It's been taking center stage in chopped salads, finding its way into dips, and providing the base of a number of chilled soups.
4·A failure is returned if all of the base DNs are searched without finding a match.
5·The measure for finding duplicated code is to search for code duplication within classes and among other classes in the code base.
6·An easy way to fade the detail is by finding a sky with no clouds, just color, and setting that as the base sky.
7·This requires finding the effective complementary method for the original technology on the base of the traditional theory and technology.
8·There is a big potential of exploration in deep formation of mature oil province. Theory of hydrocarbon generation in deep source rock is the base of finding deep reservoirs.
9·Having left Vault 34 and finding the Nellis Air Force Base, the Boomers had to find new clothes that reflected their independence.
10·Strengthening the construction of majors is the base to improve senior professional education. While finding disadvantages is the first step in this course.